Photo by Debra Lopez
What can you do when you 8 pages to memorize in 30 minutes: 9 Times Fast Memorization Technique?4/6/2018 Well, besides just biting the bullet and signing up for BadAssActor Blog here's what you can do right now: First, here's what you're not going to do: go through the script line by line listing what "action" you're going to take with each line. You know what happens when you do that? You start doing too much, sweating, forgetting lines and you are not in adjustment with your scene partner. You know why? Because if you're really listening deeply to your reader and you're emotionally related to the emotional trigger of the scene, the action will be automatically built into your response without you rehearsing it which is when it's not truthful. But when you answer from your deepest emotional chord, the truth shines like a beacon and the camera loves her. Because in the moment means, "in the moment"...not trying get getting your actor homework right. This exercise is a taste of what we'll be doing in the four week Ultimate OnCamera Audition Prep class: The 9 Times Fast Technique STEP 1. Write down all of your lines in your scene like a monologue on a separate sheet of paper. STEP 2. Don't have a scene handy, click here and download one on me. STEP 3. DO NOT READ THE OTHER CHARACTERS LINES unless you want to screw up this exercise. (trust the process) STEP 4. Audition Prep: 9 times Fast Technique - Take the first sentence of the monologue and repeat it 9 times fast (no acting) just repeat it by rote - Take the second sentence of the monologue and repeat it 9 times fast (no acting) just repeat it by rote - Then say both lines like a single monologue and repeat them 9 times fast. - Take the third sentence of the monologue and repeat it 9 times fast (no acting) just repeat it by rote - Then say all three lines like a single monologue and repeat them 9 times fast. - Continue this way, repeating each new line 9 times fast and then repeating all the previous lines plus the new one you just did 9 times fast until you get to the end of your monologue. You should be able to say your entire monologue faster than light... why because you just taught your muscles those words. Do not, I repeat, do not worry about acting. Just say the lines out loud. The longer you do this...the better you get at it Then once you've got it memorized, hand the scene to a friend and start the scene... DON'T ACT Just listen and respond as if this is the first time you're hearing those lines (because it is) Now, click here and tell me what happened, how it felt....and how easy it was. That's how I've booked every single film, tv show on my resume How's this going? Did you try it? Do you have questions? If so, please post them in comments below.
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