Photo by Debra Lopez
![]() So the last email, we discussed how easy it is to begin creating compelling content about the story or project you'd like to monetize. What was your biggest takeaway from yesterday's exercise? For me, it's how we get in our way by: 1. Being afraid to share your work 2. Worrying about getting it perfect instead of passionate and truthful Now, how do I know these things to be fallacies? Well because I raised $100,000 in 30 days for my play Good Bread Alley. What I learned from that experience is how to share my dreams and the things that set my heart on fire in way that drew people into my stories. I didn't worry about impressing anyone with my spell check or fancy studio or graphics. I focused on the powerful truth of what I was saying. Truth set me free to share my dreams. Truth makes you fearless. Truth is bigger than haters. Truth is bigger than criticism. Truth is why artists do what we do. We tell stories to bring truth, joy and to honor the human condition. That's it. That's all I did. I made tons of mistakes (and I mean tons, made people made, sent out wrong newsletters, spent too much money on the wrong things and so much more ridiculous drama). But you know what? At the end of that journey, I learned that what interested me, also interested about 500 other people who eventually donated to my fundraiser. That was the single most important thing I learned. I was put here to tell a story...a story lots of people were eager to hear. You can learn this too. Do the exercises I'm teaching. They are simple and something you can do right now! Exercise Number 2 Check out this clip. It's 45 seconds of a Did-You-Know-Fun-Fact that I learned from my research. Now after you watch this clip, I'd like you to go back to the list exercise we discussed in the last email. And find a Did-You-Know-Fun-Fact and share it. You can share it in a couple of sentences, in a quick video on your phone, in a photo meme... whatever, the form doesn't matter. What matters is the message. Is it clear, truthful, specific and meaningful? In my next email, I'll begin showing you how I put this information together to start monetizing every single social media post, blog, emails, etc. I'll be teaching a Monetizing Workshop at the end of this month and in preparation for that, I'll be sending you one more mini-tutorial. If you haven't signed up for the one time free How to Create, Market & Monetize Your Work class now's your chance. Register for the free class now! Love, Light & Power, AprilYvetteThompson Tony-winning producer, actor, writer & TheDreamUnLocked CEO P.S. The free class is a one time deal and will never be offered again.
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